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Choose To Win

Over the years of Pastoring churches and counselling believers one thing remains constant – the struggle against sin. Christians having approached the throne of grace have found the merciful Father willing to forgive their wicked ways. They are free, even unchained from the burden of guilt only to fall once again to the deceitfulness of sin. And, so the endless cycle of sin and grace begins.

Some believers come running again to the throne room to plead for mercy, yet others, racked with shame, linger on the edge of grace fearful that God will punish them.

Is this struggle against sin the lot of the believer? For some the answer is easy – they like doing wrong more than they like doing what is right. For them the struggle is not so much with sin but rather choosing to give up their sinful practices and until they do choose they will never know freedom from guilt and shame. But what of the genuine believer who wants to live a righteous life. Is there hope of complete deliverance from the snare of lawlessness?

Many scholars and theologians are divided o this topic. Some quote Paul who wrote, “For I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.” (Rom 7:15) If Paul struggled to what was right – and he was an apostle, what hope is there for the rest of Christendom. Many Christians who struggle with their sin relate to this saying, “that’s me.” They even feel some justification – “I’m just like Paul. If he could not find deliverance for the trap of sin how is it that I can – I’m not in even in the same league as the great apostle.” Others ministers of the gospel, also citing Paul, “for sin shall not be master over you” (Rom 6:14); would have you believe that the struggle ended when we accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Who then is right? If the experts of the scriptures disagree – what hope do I have?

What then is the solution to this quandary for the Christian yo-yo caught between victory over the desires of the flesh and slavery to them?

The Psalms record David’s words’ “Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.” (Ps 119:11) King David sought refuge in the scriptures. If his heart was full of the Word of God, then sin had no place to hide and therefore could not work its evil in him. Could the solution be that simple? Could immersion into the Word illuminate the pathway to victory over sin? Smith Wigglesworth said, “There are four principles we need to maintain: First, read the Word of God. Second, consume the Word of God until it consumes you. Third, believe the Word of God. Fourth, act on the Word.” It would seem that Smith Wigglesworth would agree with King David if the Word of God completely encases and permeates us then sin has no entrance into the life of the believer.

Jesus says in Acts that the believer would be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live the Christian life. The believer who is baptised or engulfed and filled with the Holy Spirit would have the ability to resist the desires of the flesh not being caught in its grip.

Today, in the church, everyone is talking about awakening, when both the church and the world will see genuine believers taking a victorious stand against Satan and his vile deceptive ways. We are living in a time where the church is experiencing a revival of both the Word and the Spirit. Surely, this can mean only one thing – VICTORY over sin for all who choose to be revived.

Maybe the solution that will end the struggle is even simpler than that. In Romans, Paul tells us to “reckon ourselves dead to sin.” In Galatians, Paul says “I die daily” and “I am crucified with Christ.” The statement dead men don’t sin.”

Is Paul saying that our struggle against sin will end when we do? When we have reckoned ourselves dead to sin, then sin has no hold on us. When we have chosen to die daily; we give no opportunity for sin to be revived in us. And when we remain crucified with Christ surely the desire to sin ends forever.

It is time for believer to say with Jesus, “not my will be done, but yours be done.” It is time for believers to cease the struggle – to hide the word of God in your heart, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and die daily. VICTORY is within your grasp. The world will then see the people of God, not as hypocrites proclaiming righteousness only to be overtaken by unrighteousness, but as true messengers of God’s grace and mercy.

It is time to end the struggle. It is time for every believer to walk in victory. Reckon yourself dead to sin, but alive to Christ Jesus proclaiming freedom from the struggle of sin NOW.

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