kingdom thoughts
God is always speaking to those who seek Him. The more we seek Him, the more we learn about His ways, His will, His desires and His love for us.
The members of our team will be posting what has been on their hearts and what God has been teaching them about. We pray that these articles encourage, strengthen and bless you as they have with us.
prophetic words
Hear the prophetic voices from Awakening Casey, around Australia and world wide. Hear God's heart for the nations and see where his spirit is moving
For the last 2 years but especially in the last few months I have had a burning conviction deeply within me regarding the invitation from the Lord upon the Church right now to "come back" and "return" to the first love. As we have entered this new era, this conviction has grown stronger and stronger and stronger. This new era is going to see God move in ways that are so unexpected. I have been saying over and over "This will be the era of the unexpected" because of the ways that God is going to move and what He is going to do and we are being invited back to the place of knowing His ways like never before.
It is even more than knowing "His ways", it's a returning to KNOWING HIM like never before. There is a resounding call upon the body of Christ to "RETURN TO THE GARDEN". I have been feeling the Lord extending this invitation for the last few years or more and it is growing in intensity right now. There is a purity of heart that God is looking for as we move in this new era and it is the heart of those that want to be friends of God. Those who want to walk with Him in the cool of the day. (Genesis 3:8) The returning to the garden is a place of deep intimacy with God, it's the place of communing with Him out of love for Him and desire to know Him, not to "get something from Him". The Spirit of God is dealing with the "manufacturing" that is taking place in the body of Christ. He is dealing with spiritual prostitution that's been happening in the Church. He is inviting His people to return to the garden and return to the first love, our beautiful Jesus, where ministry is the overflow of relationship. He is dealing with the places where ministry has become an idol. For in this new era it will be very clear those who are friends of God and know His heart and know His ways.
For the acceleration upon the Church right now the only way to flow with the acceleration that is here now and about to supernaturally increase like we have never seen it, the tidal wave of His Spirit in the outpouring and acceleration, the friends of God that know Him will be the ones who will ride the wave.
The Lord is dealing with the places of impurity that say "Look at me", "Look what God did THROUGH ME", "Look what I did for God", "Look who I am friends with", "Look at my platform", "Look at how many followers I have on Facebook or Instagram", "Look at the conference I am at", "Look where I was invited" - all of those areas of self-promotion and "manufacturing" to grow platforms that comes from the place of wrong heart motives and self promotion, the Lord is dealing with.
There is a healing by the Spirit of God in His love and revelation of identity taking place in hearts that are seeking Him and recognise these areas of wounding, but I also feel the burning fire in me of consecration.
"Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." (Joshua 3:5)
There is a heralding call to consecrate ourselves to Lord, to be separate. To come aside and to be positioned in the place of intimacy with Him to know Him and be friends of God. There is such a call upon the Church right now to draw close to Him and close to His heart, to know and understand His ways and from that place you will discern and know the times in which we live and have the wisdom to steward it.
The Lord showed me that there are very SPECIFIC insight that He is going to release to you in this new era on what consecrating yourself looks like in this new era.
“Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.
2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you,[a] but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.” – Romans 12:1-2 (The Passion Translation)
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